This November Full Moon falls on 11-25-15: a "6" day (11+25+15=51...5+1=6) which in Tantric Numerology is a number that holds the energy of family, love, and community. A tantric 6 day syncing within Gemini creates a beautiful yet sensitive full moon. Fluctuations from Gemini's fickle behavior can cause some deep emotions to surface and communication may go awry. This full moon enchantment will help facilitate harmony in all matters of listening and receiving: really hearing. The spell invokes celestial communication which will aid in connecting with divine angelic beings and the Fae. Ride this full moon's flow with grace and ease, especially around the themes of family, love, nurture and devotion.
celestite or angelite stone
non metal bowl
spring water
chamomile flowers or essential oil
a favorite song that makes you feel peaceful and full of love
small bottle
Place your stones and spring water in the bowl. Find a place, preferably outside, where the full moons light falls unto the stones and water in the bowl.
See the light as it pours it's illumination into the water. Meditate on this. See if you can feel the moonlight on the stones, as if the stones were you, as if the water was you.
Feel the moonlight illuminating you. (You are moonbathing! Have fun here!)
Take the chamomile flowers (or chamomile essential oil, or both!) and begin to sing or play your song, as you squeeze the flowers and drop them into the water.
When the song is finished, close your eyes, press your pinky and thumbs together on the same hand, and bring both hands together pressing the remaining fingers against each other, creating this mudra:
Pointing your mudra towards the water, see the stones in the space between your hands. Inhale deeply and imagine inhaling the moonlight as air. Exhale. Imagine the water inhaling the moonlight as air. Exhale. Imagine the stones inhaling the moonlight as air. Exhale. Imagine the song of the air as the song you just sang, and feel it filling your body and out through your fingertips into the water.
Leave the bowl in moonlight for 2-3 hours.
Take the water and pour into the bottle and anoint your throat chakra, your heart or spray all around you. Be in peace! And communicate with love. To assist in hearing messages from divine guidance: anoint your ears and third eye and use in meditation.
The moon water may be used for the next 3 days.
In Love,